Compatible software

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The list is tentative and was not validated by (all) the authors...

Announced Software & tools
Company/Organisation Produkt/Software Developer Operating system Version NMReDATA NMR Record Examples of output Link
nmrshiftdb2 QuickCheck Stefan Kuhn Web browser 4.1.12 write not implemented link web application
Javatools Stefan Kuhn Any Java-enabled Pre-alpha read/write/validate github
Bruker CMCse Windows, Linux and MAC OS X V. ? write write link
ACD/Lab. Spectrus ? V. 2017.2 and later write (?) write (?)
Mestrelab Mnova Mac OS, Windows, Linux? Annonced for Q1 2018 ?
Mnova script exporting .mnova files Damien Jeannerat Any system running Matlab/Octave V.1.1 (see below) write NMR records
Unix script Damien Jeannerat Written to Mac OS could be adapter to other unix systems V.1 (see below) read -> write
Matlab/Octave Display record content Damien Jeannerat read

The unix script written for Mac converting Mnova files to nmredata.sdf files and generating NMR records (when the spectral data are at their original locations) was written by Damien Jeannerat. It is available on github. If is probably also working on linux systems. It requires Mnova to be installed because it relies on Mnova script for the generation of the NMReDATA.